Each year and through the Christmas season I often think of my father who I lost in 2015 and of his love for old hymns and carols. His favorite was the Hallelujah Chorus. In his last few years he was moved to tears when listening to the famous words from Isaiah put to music by Handel. My dad loved to tell the story of how King George II rose to his feet during the premier of the music being played in London. No one knows for sure why the king stood – but we can certainly guess. The words tell of a King of Kings, a Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. It’s no wonder the king stood. As JKCS moves deeper into December and Christmas season, may you and your family hear the famous words anew, the words that remind humanity of the God to whom every knee will bow. And yet, he came among us as a baby…
If you haven’t heard it recently, I have a link below to a flash mob presentation of the chorus performed in a mall – a moment in time that surprised the shoppers – for you to see and hear. May we all be surprised again and again at the greatness and truth presented this season through words and songs.
David Ward, Superintendent