Prior to spring break, several staff members met to plan a refl ective Easter chapel. The plans included a time of worship led by a ‘staff choir’, contributions of artwork by Ms. Kim’s art students, liturgical readings and prayer. But, due to the current Covid-19 situation, plans needed to be reimagined as to how to celebrate Easter as a school.
On Tuesday, April 14 over 200 students and staff met via Zoom for a secondary chapel. What an incredible blessing that we were still able to meet together for reflection, worship and prayer. We were reminded of the incredible sacrificial gift of Jesus who died to pay the penalty for our sins and to offer us the gift of forgiveness and eternal life through His
Although we couldn’t meet together in person, we were blessed by the contributions of many. We pray for each student and staff member of John Knox as we continue to reflect on the gift of grace, love and eternal life that Jesus offers to us through his death and resurrection. We pray that all may feel God’s peace and presence as we continue to join together in prayer,
worship, devotions, classes and chapel.
If you missed the chapel and would like to watch, use the link in the email sent with the newsletter.
– Yvonne DeWith, Teacher Librarian and Academic Counsellor