Secondary Aquatics Update

ArushaTimes News

What a great season for the JKCS Aquatics Team! Our team of 16 swimmers and 1 Student Coach were a dedicated bunch who willingly gave up hours of sleep to join me at Edmonds Pool on Friday mornings at 6:30am. lthough we swam hard, we enjoyed the camaraderie of training together to perfect flip turns, starts and sprints.

The athletes competed in Exhibition Meets, the Independent School Meet and the Zone Provincial Qualifi er Meet. With each meet, the swimmers gained confi dence and progressed to beat their previous personal best times. Two athletes (Colvin and Jadon) qualifi ed to move on to the Provincial Championships. Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts,
Jadon was unable to compete but Colvin swam well on the weekend and brought home two gold medals and one silver! In the Provincial Championships, JKCS placed 45th out of 105 schools. In addition, we won the Boys “A” Banner. Very impressive for a small, but mighty team!
Congratulations to all the swimmers and a big thank you to Student Coach Emma and Grade 11 Mentors (Jadon, Louisane and Nathan).