Fall Drive Update and Knox News

ArushaTimes News, Upcoming Events

Next week we hope to provide you with our Fall Drive total! But we can tell you that each gift that has been so generously given to our school is gratefully received. We thank God for you! If you would like to make your 2021 donation to John Knox via cheque, cash or PAP, please do so before December 17 to receive a tax receipt for 2021.
One project that was made possible through your donations is our secondary rooftop. Court lines and additional seating are still coming, but the space is already being used by students. The December 2021 edition of the Knox News shows photos of the space in use. If you have children at the elementary campus, the Knox News has been sent to you via kid mail (check your child’s backpack!). If your children are at the secondary campus, or if you are a Friend of John Knox, the Knox News will arrive by regular mail next week. We hope you enjoy learning about some of the people and activities that fill our campuses with joy and life.with superintendent David Ward at dward@johnknoxbc.org or development director Arusha Vegt at avegt@johnknoxbc.org. They can also be reached by phone at 604.522.1410.