Elementary: UGM Drive

ArushaTimes News, Upcoming Events

Every year JKCS does a drive for our local UGM around Thanksgiving, around Christmas time, and in the Spring. Since we are a bit late in starting this year we are going to combine our Fall and Christmas Drives. This year, UGM needs our help in collecting items more than ever. Here are three ways that our school can support UGM:

  1. Donating items – They are in high need of care kit items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, non-perishable food donations and winter items such as gloves and toques). Each classroom will have a bin to collect these items.
  2. Contributing to their Christmas Hampers program via https://giftsofhope.ugm.ca/ – Families can either donate money to purchase specific items or bring the items directly to UGM. Please see link for more info.
  3. Create a fundraising page (my.ugm.ca) – As part of their #ShareChristmas campaign that runs until Dec. 31, people can donate online to a student’s fundraising page. UGM also has matching sponsors who will match donation “milestones”. Rather than writing out cheques, all funds can be directed to the UGM New Westminster location. Donors will be emailed a tax receipt right away. See link for more info.
    Our Christmas Drive will run from Nov. 23 – Dec. 14 (three weeks). Students will hear more from their classroom teacher.
    Thank you for sharing God’s love in our neighbourhood!

Sarah Faber, Grade 1 Teacher