Educational Support Services


The Bible states clearly that man was created in the image of God. Genesis 1:27 reads: "So God created them in His own image; in the image of God He created them." Though all are created in His image, we are all different, one from another! As such, each child is an individual with individual gifts, talents and characteristics received from his/her Creator.

The Educational Support Services (ESS) staff is available at the school to facilitate successful and enriched learning experiences for all students.  We provide in-class assistance and individual and small group directed teaching. We believe that utilizing both methods will maximize student learning opportunities.  In support of a team approach, we collaborate with teachers, parents, students and outside agencies concerning the learning needs of the students we work with.  By being involved in the classroom on a daily basis, ESS staff strive to meet the needs of all students in their learning environment.

The ESS staff consists of coordinators and educational assistants who work with parents in planning and implementing programs that meet the criteria Individual Educational Plans (IEP).

ESS Staff implement a variety of programs. These programs include but are not limited to teaching phonemic awareness to all kindergarten students, providing sensory integration programs that enhance student learning potential, coordinating speech and language services at school, providing enrichment activities in class and in small groups and modifying and adapting curriculum to suit the individual needs of some students.

In the Educational Support Services program we aim to keep learning exciting and stimulating for students and to help students develop confidence in their God-given gifts and abilities.

To apply for ESS, please fill in and submit the ESS Form.