Clothing Donations: Has Marie Kondo inspired you to get rid of all your old clothing that doesn’t “spark joy”? Well, what doesn’t spark joy for you may spark joy for someone else! Donate your used clothing to the JKCS Clothing Drive! Drop off at the elementary campus lobby on Jan 30, 31, and Feb 1.
What to Donate:
- Gently used clothing and shoes of all sizes
- Clothing or fabric in bad shape for recycling
What Not to Donate:
Please, no books, toys, accessories, or household goods
Clothing Sale:
Come and buy used clothing on Saturday, Feb 2 from 8:30am-Noon in the JKCS elementary gym! All items just $1.00. Tell your friends!
Unsold items will be donated to local charities or recycled. Profits from the clothing sale will go to the JKCS Capital Campaign for our new secondary campus.
Want to Help?
Please join us Friday after school to set up, sort, and organize clothing, or Saturday to sell, organize, and clean up. Sign up here: