Building the Future: A New Foundation

ArushaTimes News

A Vision – A Future
Ezekiel 37:26 “….I will set my sanctuary in their midst forever.”
We are delighted to welcome you and your families back to John Knox Christian School.
We anticipate the “new foundation” of our John Knox High School to be completed very shortly. That is exciting news! Check our website for updated pictures.

Praise the Lord, we have reached another milestone in our Capital Campaign! We are pleased to report that we have $1.5M in cash and pledges towards our $2.5M goal.

As we head into the final year of our Capital Campaign, we are thankful for the blessing of donors to our new Christian High School. Many school families and friends have been faithfully contributing to this campaign, while some families have not yet made their financial commitment. New families to our community will hear about the project and our financial needs at New Parent Orientation night, but if you are a family who has not yet given, and would like to, please contact the Development Office today.

If every family gives $7,500 over 3 years (that’s $2,500 per year or $200 per month), we will reach our target. We are a diverse community of varying financial means, and even gifts of $10 per month contribute to the completion of our high school.

We would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to our new Vice Principal, Mr. David Ward:

“What a pleasure it is to be working at John Knox Christian School this year! After nine years of living and working in the United States it is also good to be home in Canada. This summer, my wife and three children relocated from Oregon to beautiful British Columbia. Over the last decade, I worked as a professor and director of an elementary teacher education program in Oregon. My teaching and research focused on best practices in teacher education, most specifically, in literacy and digital technologies in schools. I am excited to be here, to bring what I have learned abroad and to enter into a Christian community that seeks to lead and guide children into the wonders of knowledge, learning, and the world our God has made. I look forward to meeting each of you as we step into a season of new beginnings.”
– Dave Ward

Mrs. Perttula will be taking this school year to transition herself and John Knox into it’s new high school role. She will be around but not always available.

This fall we will have a formal Ministry of Education School Evaluation. We will keep you posted as to the date.

It is shaping up to be another very full school year. We are thanking you in advance for your prayers and looking forward to a wonderful year together.

Anne Ferguson